Full name | CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Swedish in a Multilingual Setting |
Short name | CLARIN-SMS |
URL | https://sweclarin.se/eng/centers/sms |
Hosted by | (1) Linköping University, Sweden (2) Stockholm University, Sweden (3) Uppsala University, Sweden |
City of main hub | Linköping |
Country of main hub | SE |
Active since | 2019-01-16 |
Area of competence | Language technology and resources for Swedish, Swedish Sign Language, and multilingual settings. Expertise in the processing of parallel corpora including alignment and machine translation, pretrained language models, cross-linguistically consistent annotation within the framework of Universal Dependencies, and computation and evaluation of measures of text complexity. |
Audiences | - Linguists - Phoneticians - Psycholinguists - Historians - Literary scientists - Art historians - Digital humanities researchers - Economists - General public |
Types of services | - Helpdesk - Technical support - Training - User assistance |
Language portal for | |
Other languages covered | - Swedish - Swedish Sign Language - English - Expertise in linguistic diversity and multilingual applications |
Modalities covered | - Audio: speech - Text - Video: sign language |
Linguistic topics | - Computational linguistics - Language diversity - Field linguistics - Language learning - Neurolinguistics - Phonetics - Phonology - Pragmatics - Psycholinguistics - Semantics |
Language processing topics | - Language processing pipelines - Part-of-speech tagging - Named entity recognition - Syntactic parsing - Machine translation - Processing of discourse relations - Pretrained models - Text simplification - Text complexity |
Data types | - Parallel corpora - Treebanks - Language models - Typological databases - Text - Video - Audio |
Resource families | - Newspaper corpora - Parallel corpora - Sign language resources - Wordlists |
Generic topics | - Natural language processing - Corpus annotation - Machine learning - Digital humanities |
Other keywords | |
Tour de CLARIN introduction | |
Tour de CLARIN interview | |
Last update | 2024-05-01 14:19:23 |