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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Inspect FEL Endangered Language Communities

Generic name of the languageBabanki
Location of the communityNorth-West Cameroon
Number of speakers (estimate)39,000
Variants (if any) and number of speakers Kejom
How is the community organisedThere is a village head called the Fon (Chief) and families are grouped into quarters with each quarter having a leader. The quarter heads form the village council which together with the Fon are responsible for the administration of the village. The Fon reserves the power of spiritual overseer of the village and performs specific rites on behalf of the people.
Where can more information be found (website, publications, other documents)
Willingness to contribute to FEL website or newsletteryes
Name of contact personPius Akumbu
Email of contact personpius.akumbu@ubuea.cm
Role of contact person in communityElite and member of the village development committee
FEL membership ID of contact person1242
Updated2022-02-28 18:12:28