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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Inspect FEL Endangered Language Communities

Generic name of the languageIndo-Aryan
Location of the communityBangladesh, India and Myanmar
Number of speakers (estimate)100,000
Variants (if any) and number of speakers Based on sept we have different tones and accents but we are understandable between us.
How is the community organisedThrough group works of publishing literary works and visiting delegates from one country to another annually.
Where can more information be found (website, publications, other documents)https://tongchangyaworld.wordpress.com https://tanchangyakeyboard.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/Tongchangya.world https://tongnexusglobe.wordpress.com
Willingness to contribute to FEL website or newsletteryes
Name of contact personPriyo Ranjan Tongchangya
Email of contact persontanchangyaacademy@gmail.com
Role of contact person in communityCollaborating within Tanchangya and a researcher on Tanchangya language
FEL membership ID of contact person1931
Updated2022-06-08 13:22:20