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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Inspect FEL Endangered Language Communities

Generic name of the languageLainong
Location of the communityKhamti Township and Lahe Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar
Number of speakers (estimate)20,000 (approximately)
Variants (if any) and number of speakers
How is the community organisedVillage Republican Type and Lainong Literature and Culture Committee represent s the community.
Where can more information be found (website, publications, other documents)I have various documents of self-published and unpunished.
Willingness to contribute to FEL website or newsletteryes
Name of contact personDr. Anui Sainyiu
Email of contact personanuisainyiu@gmail.com
Role of contact person in communityDirector
FEL membership ID of contact person1929
Updated2022-03-22 16:10:08