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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Inspect FEL Endangered Language Communities

Generic name of the languageSapara
Location of the communityEcuador
Number of speakers (estimate)4
Variants (if any) and number of speakers no
How is the community organised"NASE" is the organization of the Sapara peoples. They live in 23 communities in a territory of almost 400,000 hectares in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Where can more information be found (website, publications, other documents)https://www.resistenciasapara.org/; https://www.facebook.com/ComunicacionSaparaEcuador/; https://biblio.flacsoandes.edu.ec/shared/biblio_view.php?bibid=125779&tab=opac; https://www.pachamama.org.ec/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/La-Cultura-Sapara-en-Peligro.pdf; https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000160494.
Willingness to contribute to FEL website or newsletteryes
Name of contact personAlessia Marucci
Email of contact personale.marux@gmail.com
Role of contact person in community
FEL membership ID of contact person1930
Updated2022-04-14 09:13:22