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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Inspect FEL Endangered Language Communities

Generic name of the languageBakweri
Location of the communityBimbia, Limbe III, fako division,south west region -Cameroon
Number of speakers (estimate)5000
Variants (if any) and number of speakers Oron language. 2000 settler speakers. These are fisher men who came from neighboring country Nigeria and speak Oron language.they settled in mbomo, kange, Mabeta, quarter.However, since these settlers are migrants, their language is not promoted by the indigenous Bakweri people.
How is the community organisedCommunity comprised of 3 villages, bonabile, bonangombe, and dikolo village. Each village has a traditional ruler. The chief of bonangombe being the paramount chief or ruler. Each quarter has a head appointed by the chiefs The chiefs are the custodians of the culture and traditions including the lands. Each village has a traditional council that run the affairs of the village. Each traditional council is made up of elders, influential elites, notable’s, king makers and the chief. The traditional council judge matters concerning the village.
Where can more information be found (website, publications, other documents)Bimbia people migrated from the mongo, around river wourri area in Douala. So their tongue in the Bakweri language is a bit different from those who migrated from mount fako area. See link below for more information: https://www.silcam.org/resources/archives/3359 https://www.koeppe.de/titel_mokpe-bakweri-english-dictionary
Willingness to contribute to FEL website or newsletteryes
Name of contact personJEROME BEKOH KEJI
Email of contact personkjerry87@yahoo.com
Role of contact person in communitynatural resource manager of the village bimbia
FEL membership ID of contact person1849
Updated2024-07-30 12:52:33