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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Inspect FEL Endangered Language Communities

Generic name of the languageFULFULDE
Location of the communityMali
Number of speakers (estimate)about 40 millions spearks
Variants (if any) and number of speakers Fulfulde is a widespread language found throughout West Africa. This dispersion results in various names and dialects based on the regions in which it is spoken. These variants are Pulaar Fula or Fulani.
How is the community organisedThe Fulɓe, speakers of Fulfulde, primarily reside in rural areas, engaged in cattle-related activities as their main occupation. Owing to the nomadic pastoral lifestyle, a limited number of them have formal education. Those who migrate to urban centers and receive education often discontinue speaking the language, perceiving it as a rustic dialect. Our goal is to challenge and alter this perception.
Where can more information be found (website, publications, other documents)The information about Fulfulde can be found everywhere on websites about ethnography, languages, journals and books. But this information is mainly about the estatetic rather than the about the danger is beautiful and large language is heading to. The speakers of the language are giving up it due to the negative stereotypes and the amalgam against the ethnic group. The language is not taught at school and only few speak it at home in the urban areas. We would like excite the younger generation to pick it up, by undertaking some initiatives for it valorisation and preservation. Guineans are doing wonderful job in their Pular ( a dialect)
Willingness to contribute to FEL website or newsletteryes
Name of contact personAliou Ball
Email of contact personaball1008@gmail.com
Role of contact person in communityCommunity leader/ Social entrepreneur
FEL membership ID of contact person2075
Updated2024-01-11 13:11:47