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Foundation for Endangered Languages

FEL conference registration, donation, membership and order form

(0) Check your FEL membership status before you start
I want to know my current membership status

NB: This form is intended for people who have never been a member of FEL.

If you already are or have ever been a FEL member, you will have a personal FEL page, where you can renew your membership, register for the FEL conference, order proceedings, make donations or update your contact details. If you don't remember the link to your personal FEL page you can find it HERE

(1) FEL transaction form - start here, follow the directions and press the Submit button when you are finished
I use this form to
(choose at least one or more of the following options):

Before you continue you MUST check a box in this section for every action you want to use this form for; if you don't check any box your form will be invalid

register as a new FEL member:
→ check the appropriate box and proceed to (3)
I want to join as a first time new member starting next year (2025, with immediate eligibility for grants and all other FEL benefits)
I am joining for next year as part of the registration for the FEL 2024 conference (membership starting immediately)
register for the FEL 2024 conference:
→ check the box and proceed to (2)
I want to register for the FEL 2024 conference
order FEL publications:
→ check the appropriate box and proceed to (4)
I want to order proceedings or other publications and I am or am joining as a FEL member
I want to order proceedings or other publications and I am not or no longer a FEL member
make a donation or a special payment:
→ check the box and proceed to (5)
I want to make a donation or special payment to FEL
(2) Conference registration FEL 2024 IS NOW OPEN - Complete and go to (3), (4), (5) or (6)
Use this section of the form to register for the FEL 2024 Conference in Islamabad, Pakistan
(2.1) Registration options and fees - Select your option
You will be invoiced in £ (GBP). Indicative exchange rates on 27-07-2024:
1 GBP=1.18 EUR or 1.29 USD, 1 EUR=0.84 GBP, 1 USD=0.78 GBP
Choose registration optionFee (in GBP)Conditions for those resident outside Pakistan
No registration n/a No conference registration, go to section (3) of this form
Solidarity registration£ 30  Only for FEL Solidarity members
Community registration£ 30  Only for representatives of FEL Community members
Concession registration£ 30  Only for FEL Concession members
FEL member registration £ 60  For all other FEL members
Virtual registration£ 10  Virtual participation, only possible for FEL members
Standard registration £ 120 For those who want to participate without joining FEL
Free registration£  0  Only by personal invitation, only for in person participation
 enter HERE the registration key that came with your invitation
Choose registration optionFee (in PKR)Special conditions, only available for participants resident in Pakistan
FEL member registration PKR 5000  For all FEL members resident in Pakistan, to be paid on-site, in PKR
Virtual registrationPKR 0  Virtual participation, only possible for FEL members resident in Pakistan
(2.2) FEL membership discount - how to get it
Eligibility conditions for the FEL membership discount:
  • In order to be eligible for the special discount for FEL members you have to be a paid up member for the year 2025 (Why not for this year?)
  • If you are not sure about your FEL membership status you can use this page to check your status and to be forwarded to your personal FEL page (if it exists)
  • If you join or renew now for 2025 you are immediately eligible for the FEL membership discount and all other FEL benefits! Please indicate in section (1) of this form that you want to join or renew
Annual individual membership fees for 2025 for FEL members:
  • Regular: £ 34
  • Concession: £ 19 (available for students, retired or unwaged persons)
  • Solidarity: Free (only available in some countries, including Pakistan)
See for more details and for corporate memberships section (3) below and our membership page
(2.3) FEL membership status - Select the applicable option and proceed to (3) or (6)
Not applicable, I don't want to use this form to register for the FEL conference
I want to register for the FEL conference, but not as a FEL member and I will not make use of the special discount for FEL members
I am registering for the conference and I confirm that I am using section 3 of this form to sign up as a first time FEL member until the end of 2025
(3)  New membership or renewal of existing FEL membership - select type of membership and go to (5)
Individual memberships and annual fees - see (6) below for exchange rates
Ogmios newsletter Annual FEL proceedings
Regular £ 34 All members receive a free PDF copy of our quarterly newsletter Ogmios. Please go to section (4) of this form if you want to order paper copies. All members receive a free PDF copy of the proceedings of the annual FEL conference. Please go to section (4) of this form if you want to order a paper copy.
Concession £ 19
Solidarity (free) special conditions apply
Honorary (free) by special appointment only
Corporate memberships and annual fees
Community (free) special conditions apply
Voluntary body £ 100 also paper copy also paper copy
Commercial company £ 100 also paper copy also paper copy
Official body £ 150 also paper copy also paper copy
Exchange recipient (free) by special arrangement only
Leave the radio button below checked if you are not using this form to start or renew your membership
This is only a conference registration, a proceedings order, a donation or a special payment, or an update of my contact details
(4) Orders - complete and go to (6)
Use this section of the form to order proceedings or other FEL publications
I want to order paper copies of the following FEL Proceedings
Price per copy in GBP: members £ 15; non-members £ 25; add £ 12.50 per copy for air mail delivery (outside UK only); see (6) below for indicative exchange rates
Title Copies - Delivery
FEL II (1998 Edinburgh): What Role for the Specialist?  1 copy - air:
FEL III (1999 Maynooth): Endangered Languages and Education     1 copy - air:
FEL IV (2000 Charlotte): Endangered Languages and Literacy      1 copy - air:
FEL V (2001 Agadir): Endangered Languages and the Media      1 copy - air:
FEL VI (2002 Antigua): Endangered Languages and their Literatures  1 copy - air:
FEL VII (2003 Broome): Maintaining the Links: Language Identity and the Land  1 copy - air:
FEL VIII (2004 Barcelona): Endangered Languages and Linguistic Rights  1 copy - air:
FEL IX (2005 Stellenbosch): Endangered Languages, Migration, and Marginalisation  1 copy - air:
FEL X (2006 Mysore): Endangered Languages and Multilingualism 1 copy - air:
FEL XI (2007 Kuala Lumpur): Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social Impacts 1 copy - air:
FEL XII (2008 Leeuwarden): Endangered Languages and Language Learning 1 copy - air:
FEL XIII (2009 Khorog): Endangered Languages and History 1 copy - air:
FEL XIV (2010 Carmarthen): Reversing Language Shift 1 copy - air:
FEL XV (2011 Quito): Endangered Languages: Voices and Images (Voces y Imágenes) 1 copy - air:
FEL XVI (2012 Auckland): Language Endangerment in the 21st Century: Globalisation, Technology & New Media 1 copy - air:
FEL XVII (2013 Ottawa): Endangered Languages Beyond Boundaries: Community Connections, Collaborative Approaches, and Cross-Disciplinary Research 1 copy - air:
FEL XVIII (2014 Okinawa): Indigenous Languages: Value to the Community 1 copy - air:
FEL XIX (2015 New Orleans): The Music of Endangered Languages 1 copy - air:
FEL XX (2016 Hyderabad): Language colonization and endangerment: long-term effects, echoes and reactions 1 copy - air:
FEL XXI (2017 Alcanena, Portugal): Communities in Control: Learning tools and strategies for multilingual endangered language communities 1 copy - air:
FEL XXII (2018 Reykjavik, Iceland): Endangered languages and the land: Mapping landscapes of multilingualism 1 copy - air:
I want to order the following books or other FEL publications
Description Copies - Delivery
SUBSCRIBE TO OGMIOS, the quarterly FEL Newsletter, in hard copy.
Appears 3 times per calendar year.
Price per year in GBP (including back copies for that year): members £ 18; non-members £ 30
I want to subscribe for 2025:
SPECIAL OFFER: The full set of past proceedings volumes 1998-2018 (FEL II-XXII) can be obtained by non-members for £ (GBP) 400 with free surface postage. This could be especially useful for libraries of corporate members, wishing to provide a full range of endangered language literature. For FEL members the price of the full set is £ (GBP) 250. I want to order 1 set
(5) Donations or special payments - complete and go to (6)
I wish to make a donation or special payment (explain in comments field) to the Foundation (amount in GBP; minimum amount is GBP 10.00) £. Comments:
(6) Payment details - select payment method and go to (7)
Currency You will be invoiced in £ (GBP). Indicative exchange rates on 27-07-2024:
1 GBP=1.18 EUR or 1.29 USD, 1 EUR=0.84 GBP, 1 USD=0.78 GBP
Payment method (select one) Credit card via WorldPay - in GBP, complete (7) and press Submit;
      [Preferred method, read THIS PAGE if your credit card payment keeps being refused]
SEPA transfer - in EUR, only for EEA bank account holders, details on next screen, complete (7) and press Submit;
Transfer via Wise (formerly known as TransferWise) - in GBP, details on next screen, complete (7) and press Submit;
      [Recommended outside the EEA, if you can't pay by credit card]
Bank transfer - in GBP, details on next screen, complete (7) and press Submit;
      [Not recommended outside the EEA, as you will have to pay all the charges]
Cheque - in GBP, only for UK bank account holders, details on next screen, complete (7) and press Submit
On-site - in PKR, only for Pakistan residents, details on next screen, complete (7) and press Submit
Not applicable - only if you are not making a payment, complete (7) and press Submit
(7) Personal details (for membership) or delivery address (for orders) - complete and go to (8)
My current membership status If you are already or have ever been a FEL member you can check your current membership status here
Family name of contact person (required)
First name, initials or title of contact person (required)
Organisation name or street address line 1 (required; do NOT put your city or country in this box)
Street address line 2 (if applicable; do NOT put your city or country in this box)
Street address line 3 (if applicable; do NOT put your city or country in this box)
Postcode (if before city) (if applicable in your country)
City (city always required)
State or county & Postcode (if after city) (if applicable)
Country (country always required)
Email address (required - only one single email address)
Phone country code: + area & local number: (optional)
Personal URL (optional)
Organisation URL (optional)
Special interests / language(s) (required for solidarity members)
 (8)   Conditions and accepted cards - read carefully and go to (9) to submit your form and to make your payment (if applicable)
Shipping and Returns
Privacy and GDPR Notice
Conditions of Use
Payment Methods
Contact Information

Powered by WorldPay
Please click on the Submit button above. You will see a confirmation screen before your order is forwarded to FEL.
This screen will also provide bank and address details for bank transfers and cheques and it will prepare a printable invoice for you.

Contact Steven Krauwer (s.krauwer@uu.nl) if you encounter any problems when completing this form.
Contact Nick Ostler (nicholas@ostler.net) for more information about FEL